Already, Mother, you have come to
the snow scene. You, who
I still see as strong and brown-limbed
in a sundress
now come to visit, pale
inside layers of handknit sweaters
from Iceland or Peru--
distances I hunger for,
countries you will never see.
There are bits of grey ice
you cannot shake from your hair,
certain fears that have drawn
shadows on your face.
But there is beauty too--
the drifts that slope against
our old house, the curve
of your hand holding a teacup.
Do you remember the snowmen
we used to make
when I was growing up?
We gave them my old scarves, the
felt hats you wore when you were young
and worked in the city.
The glorious time, you called it--
or did not call it--but I knew anyway.
I always imagined the snowmen alive and sad
at the end of winter
as if just before mud season,
melting, one eye missing,
they realized who they were.
the snow scene. You, who
I still see as strong and brown-limbed
in a sundress
now come to visit, pale
inside layers of handknit sweaters
from Iceland or Peru--
distances I hunger for,
countries you will never see.
There are bits of grey ice
you cannot shake from your hair,
certain fears that have drawn
shadows on your face.
But there is beauty too--
the drifts that slope against
our old house, the curve
of your hand holding a teacup.
Do you remember the snowmen
we used to make
when I was growing up?
We gave them my old scarves, the
felt hats you wore when you were young
and worked in the city.
The glorious time, you called it--
or did not call it--but I knew anyway.
I always imagined the snowmen alive and sad
at the end of winter
as if just before mud season,
melting, one eye missing,
they realized who they were.
I have a house full of things I cannot throw away because I have humanised them, like your snowman. Beautiful and poinyant (sorry can't even get spell check to find it but you know what I mean I hope)
Sue hardy-Dawson, at 11:51 AM
Oh! Poignant was the word that came to my mind, too, because of the what the poem implies about the mother approaching "mud season."
MB, at 12:29 PM
"there is beauty too" could apply to many of your poems, where beauty is often discovered in the commonplace, the everyday, and the diminished.
Bill, at 12:59 PM
it's 3a.m. and these words match my mood and my fears perfectly
all i can say is - thank you
floots, at 7:50 PM
the drifts that slope against
our old house, the curve
of your hand holding a teacup.
Tracing beauty... Sketching love and memory with meaningful words... Ah, I admire your grasp of imagery in poetry. ^_^ This site of yours is indeed a treasure; I have immensely enjoyed my first visit. Your poems (especially "The Map") on this main page have satiated me. Thank you.
S.L. Corsua, at 10:29 AM
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