When she hears her son
has died in war,
she goes to the kitchen,
fills the sink with
water and suds and
begins slowly
to wash the dishes.
Plate after plate, she
pulls them from the water,
washes them,
then lets them go.
She wishes she could remember
everything she's scrubbed
in the last twenty years--
baby bottles cleaned with
stiff burshes, spoons
and bowls and cast iron pots.
It's like breathing now--
Inhale--wash. Exhale--rinse.
Only this grief is new
and not knowing
what to do with it,
she drops it
into the warm grey water.
But she already knows:
This is one well of dishes
that will never be emptied.
Wherever she goes
she will remember
all that she tried to wash away,
all that stained her--
the milk line in the glass,
the half eaten vegetables,
the blood, the blood.
has died in war,
she goes to the kitchen,
fills the sink with
water and suds and
begins slowly
to wash the dishes.
Plate after plate, she
pulls them from the water,
washes them,
then lets them go.
She wishes she could remember
everything she's scrubbed
in the last twenty years--
baby bottles cleaned with
stiff burshes, spoons
and bowls and cast iron pots.
It's like breathing now--
Inhale--wash. Exhale--rinse.
Only this grief is new
and not knowing
what to do with it,
she drops it
into the warm grey water.
But she already knows:
This is one well of dishes
that will never be emptied.
Wherever she goes
she will remember
all that she tried to wash away,
all that stained her--
the milk line in the glass,
the half eaten vegetables,
the blood, the blood.
Your poems are always so intense; I love the way you write.
"Inhale - exhale" - I used those phrases in an old poem as well.
Anna Piutti, at 8:21 AM
this reminds me of the scream,(the painting)it is a shock reaction, silent unrelievable hysteria, you start to wonder when the plate will smash and with it the last vestage of normality
Sue hardy-Dawson, at 10:40 AM
wow, this is so sad, it literally made my eyes watery. you always carry so much intensity in your words. which is what i love about your poetry.
Lorena, at 10:45 AM
You manage to tell a story with such depth in one activity. As always, powerful ending.
mermaid, at 5:34 PM
That was brilliant, Patry. On first reading, my eye actually skipped over the title and I thought you were writing about something much more recent & contemporary - I pictured some American woman in her 40s or 50s who had just lost a son in the Iraq situation.
GK, at 8:12 PM
Another strong one, Patry. You balance the complicated emotions so well. The grief, the dishes. The food, the blood. What else would one do?
MB, at 8:43 PM
you have shoe-horned so much emotional power into a "mundane" moment
floots, at 8:22 AM
hello patry
thanks for posting that
gives me something to think about when I face the dishes piled in the sink.
David Edward, at 8:52 AM
This is sad but with redeeming feeling of letting the moment go as it is.
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM
are all the poems here written just as posts? or are these pieces written elsewhere and then posted?
either way, wonderful job.
i love what you do
camera shy, at 9:07 PM
I loved this. You truly see life through a poet's eyes.
Marc, at 3:30 AM
powerful writing, vivid images of shock and grief.
the ending was stunning.
Love this poem.
dsnake1, at 4:07 AM
Very powerful, Patry. I shall return again and again to read more of your poems.
bigshoulders, at 10:28 AM
grief in warm grey water . . .
I will remember
Bill, at 1:17 PM
I just thought you'd be happy to know you made the list of 100 Blogging Poets In 100 Days.
Billy Jones, at 4:42 AM
with a son in the military, I can well imagine that I might go straight to the sink and begin washing dishes ... anything normal and routine ... a powerful, painful poem.
Anonymous, at 6:33 PM
This poem is just "wow" I write poetry myself but your something. When your book comes out in 2007 I want an autograph hehe. Happy Holidays, Peace & Love.
radinski, at 10:54 AM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Sue hardy-Dawson, at 10:09 AM
Wow that's a heavy one! I like it alot!
rdl, at 9:26 PM
Wow, a powerhouse of description.
Looked for your Marvelous Garden but couldn't find it and had to come in through rdl's comment page.
She's the one who invited me to the blog. Like getting invited to a little soiree dontcha think?
Enjoy reading you.
Where is the rest of the Race Point story or where do I pick one up? I'm actually a true crime afficianado.
Mary Sheehan Winn, at 5:43 PM
It is unusual for me to enjoy poetry that I find online. Yours was a rare thing.
I am even a bit jealous.
Tsk Tsk to me.
Blue, at 12:09 AM
happy new year, patry!
David Edward, at 3:04 PM
Just drop by to say Happy New Year Patry!
Unknown, at 2:34 AM
Excellent. Strong. Real.
Thanks. :)
Anonymous, at 10:38 AM
very touching..
Stormy Zephyr, at 5:48 PM
With the use of such a simple image, you managed to give me chills.
It's hard to tackle large topics and traumatic images in poetry because it can come off melodramatic, without a story to provide context to bring it to life.
But this... wow. So very real and full of impact. This is really good. It reminds me of myself, though, going about my day so normally after my mother died. I even met up with a friend and didn't mention she was dead, until my friend noticed I was rather robotic and asked how my mother was doing.
TwistedNoggin, at 4:24 PM
unashamed to say that this made me cry. my son is a royal marine commando who is about to go to iraq. i pray that i don't find myself 'washing plates'
Russell CJ Duffy, at 1:13 AM
Are you ok- just busy I hope
Sue hardy-Dawson, at 11:01 AM
Again. Well done. Very powerful. I knew I reviewed this site for a reason. I don't regret it!
Raven, at 1:50 PM
shock mixed with loss. really well done.
Naiad, at 8:00 PM
Just checked in here after a month of neglect to find all these lovely comments. Thanks so much for all your visits and your words.
Patry Francis, at 8:34 PM
ohhhh Patry...this is soooo my god...I can't get into your other blog, but honey, it's zoetrope virtual studio, the writer's group on the internet...I'm sure you know about it, and it would be soooo great if you were there, anyway, sometimes, it's a bit....flame warish, but most of the time, it's warma and fuzzy and wonderful like you and this fine piece of work...xooxoxo
Unknown, at 10:48 PM
Very good, very moving. I'm glad that your comment led me here! I'll be back.
I think I've seen you around elsewhere too, maybe LittleLight or LateEdition?
Udge, at 6:27 PM
So glad you checked in, really looking forward to some new posts
Sue hardy-Dawson, at 11:23 AM
beautiful... in a bittersweet way.
There are words that breathe!
keep on writing! =)
Fragmented, at 12:10 PM
Oh my gosh. That was really moving. The everyday and how we just have to move through this everydayness with so much intense sorrow sometimes. wow.
Braidwood, at 11:59 PM
I really enjoy your body of work
I will be watching for your novel
Anonymous, at 7:31 AM
I am eagerly awaiting the next poem. Tick tock. :)
Raven, at 8:49 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Stormy Zephyr, at 8:13 PM
outstanding.. so glad i found your blog.
oxeye, at 8:42 PM
Yes this is poem so intense ...the pain it seems just running infront of our eyes..The loss seems hers but a bit of it is here floating in the air like tiny mists floating with air
iamnasra, at 9:49 PM
Hmmm, the painful simplicity of grief.
I found you on the BloggingPoet list. Now I've bookmarked you, and I'll definitely be back.
MissTaken, at 1:19 PM
Aw I thought you were back, humph
Sue hardy-Dawson, at 11:26 AM
david raphael israel, at 7:41 PM
Gulnaz had listed you as one of her blog friends..In tribute of Gulnaz we hope you can drop a line to tell us how were you inspired by Gulnaz
iamnasra, at 2:47 PM
I lost a twenty-year-old son- not in a war, though; he was hit by a car as a pedestrian.
"Casualty of traffic" lacks the political and existential undertones of "casualty of war"; still, the loss is real, and I dearly miss him.
Your poem is powerful, and I thank you for it.
chuck, at 10:18 AM
its been awhile since u posted hope all is well
iamnasra, at 1:42 PM
"stiff burshes" is I guess stiff brushes. Let me add my voive to the many that are already here: Very well written, indeed. Bravo...
Rethabile, at 4:46 PM
I love the imagery in this piece. Good work.
Ched, at 6:49 AM
Such a great poem, such a simple image, simple act, washing dishes, but in the context of your poem, so powerful. Well done! You have not told us grief, but shown us.
jillypoet, at 6:35 PM
I remember reading this over a year ago even before I checked the comment thread. This poem still lingers with the feelings I wrote of. You're an exceptional writer.
*One hint and please realize,I'm the queen of typos: Only if it matters to you, there is a typo in your title: Christmas needs its spelling corrected. Personally, I leave most of my many typos and even grammos, in my blog! There's enough editing to do elsewhere sp I give myself that freedom to leave the typos in here. I don't see an email or I'd email you this info.
Gel { * * }
Anonymous, at 2:03 AM
I came via Rethabile. Love this. So very well done.
Anonymous, at 5:20 AM
Thanks so much to all who have read and commented on this poem. I wrote it probably 20 years ago, but it has always had a special meaning for me. I'm so grateful that it resonated with others as well.
Thanks, too, to Gel who noticed the typo in the title! In all this time, I've never seen it.
Patry Francis, at 1:41 PM
Thanks so much to all who have read and commented on this poem. I wrote it probably 20 years ago, but it has always had a special meaning for me. I'm so grateful that it resonated with others as well.
Thanks, too, to Gel who noticed the typo in the title! In all this time, I've never seen it.
Patry Francis, at 1:42 PM
stumbled across this by accident. this poem is amazing. i think it will, in some way, be with me forever
admin, at 6:46 AM
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